Muslim Soul The heart of Islam


Answers to the most frequently asked questions.

  • Can I pay to support this website and the Platform?

    Indeed, In Shaa Allah, this will be treated as Sadaqatul Zariya. You can pay by PayPal, debit card, credit card, or bank deposit. PayPal: Donate directly to our UK bank account Account Holder: The Aid Account Number: 65257168 Sort Code: 30-99-50 Bank Name: Lloyds Bank IBAN: GB87LOYD 309950 65257168 Swift Code: LOYDGB21287 Email Address

  • How can I donate to a good cause or a good project?

    You can pay by PayPal, debit card, credit card, or bank deposit. Donating One Pound can feed a full meal to a widow, a poor, or an orphan. PayPal: Donate directly to our UK bank account Account Holder: The Aid Account Number: 65257168 Sort Code: 30-99-50 Bank Name: Lloyds Bank IBAN: GB87LOYD 309950 65257168 Swift Code: LOYDGB21287 Email Address

  • Can I have a female teacher for my daughter and wife?

    In Shaa Allah, we will arrange a female teacher for them.

  • How can I contact you for a Free Live Maktab?

    Please join us and email with your full name, age, gender, email address, WhatsApp number, and Country of Residence. In Shaa Allah, we will contact you to organize the Live Maktab.

  • In which languages can the scholars teach and guide us?

    Bangla, Hindi, Urdu & English.