Muslim Soul The heart of Islam

Story of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) AS


The Story of Prophet Yusuf (PBUH)


Early Life and Dreams

Prophet Yusuf (PBUH), known as Joseph in Christianity, is a tale of hardship, triumph, patience, and forgiveness. Yusuf was the son of Prophet Yaqub (Jacob), who loved him dearly. This favoritism, however, spurred jealousy among Yusuf's half-brothers, who felt neglected by their father. This sibling rivalry intensified when Yusuf told his father about his dream: eleven stars, the sun, and the moon were prostrating before him. Prophet Yaqub interpreted this dream as a sign of Allah's favor and future elevated status for Yusuf but warned him not to share this dream with his brothers to prevent further jealousy.

Betrayal by Brothers

Driven by envy, Yusuf's brothers plotted against him. They convinced their father to let Yusuf accompany them on a trip. Yaqub initially hesitated due to fear of a wolf harming Yusuf but eventually relented. The brothers then threw Yusuf into a well and returned home with a false story that a wolf had eaten him. They presented their father with a bloodstained shirt as evidence. Yaqub, distraught, showed patience and put his trust in Allah.

Yusuf's Life in Egypt

In the meantime, a passing caravan rescued Yusuf from the well, taking him to Egypt, where he was sold into slavery. He was bought by the Aziz (an Egyptian official), who treated him well. As Yusuf grew older, he became exceptionally handsome, and Aziz's wife, Zulaikha, attempted to seduce him. Despite being tempted, Yusuf resisted and maintained his virtue. When Zulaikha's attempts became public, Yusuf was unjustly accused and imprisoned.

The Gift of Interpretation

While in prison, Yusuf's good character and wisdom drew others to him. He interpreted the dreams of his fellow inmates, which later came true. His reputation as a dream interpreter reached the Pharaoh, troubled by a recurring dream. When none of his courtiers could provide a satisfactory interpretation, Yusuf was summoned. He interpreted the Pharaoh's dream as seven years of prosperity followed by seven years of famine and advised him to save grain during the prosperous years to feed the nation during the years of famine. Impressed by his wisdom, the Pharaoh appointed Yusuf as his treasurer.

Reunion and Forgiveness

During the famine years, people came to Egypt from different lands seeking food, including Yusuf's brothers. They did not recognize Yusuf, but he recognized them. Yusuf revealed his identity after a series of events, which included demanding that his youngest brother, Benjamin, stay in Egypt and setting up a situation where Benjamin was falsely accused of theft, leading the brothers to plead for mercy. On realizing their mistakes and expressing genuine regret, Yusuf forgave his brothers and sent for his father. The family was reunited in Egypt, with the eleven brothers, their father (representing the sun), and their mother (representing the moon) bowing to Yusuf, fulfilling his prophetic dream as a boy.

Final Years and Legacy

After reuniting with his family, Yusuf (PBUH) spent the remainder of his life in Egypt, where he held a high and respected position in the Pharaoh's court. He continued his service as an effective administrator and a compassionate leader, guiding people with his wisdom and righteousness. Despite his trials and tribulations, Yusuf never swayed from his path of dedication and devotion to Allah, showcasing his unwavering faith and patience.

During the years of famine, Yusuf effectively managed the grain reserves and ensured their equitable distribution, thus saving Egypt and neighboring regions from starvation. His just and efficient administration was praised and became a model for others to follow.

Like much of his life, his death is not detailed in the Quran. Islamic traditions state that he lived a good and fulfilling life, serving his people and worshiping Allah until his last breath. It is said that upon his death, Yusuf was buried in Egypt, although the exact location of his grave remains unknown.

The legacy of Prophet Yusuf (PBUH) transcends generations and cultures. His life story is a testament to the virtues of patience, perseverance, and forgiveness. Despite facing severe trials, he remained steadfast and true to his faith. His strength of character in the face of temptation and injustice, and his ultimate forgiveness towards those who wronged him, are profound lessons embedded in his story.

The story of Yusuf is considered a beautiful and timeless narrative, full of valuable teachings and moral guidance. It's a beacon of light for individuals facing hardship, reminding them that one can overcome even the most formidable challenges with patience, faith, and forgiveness. His story is often recounted to inspire moral and ethical conduct and to remind people of the divine wisdom underlying life's trials and tribulations.

As a prophet of Allah, Yusuf (PBUH) is revered and respected in Islamic tradition. His story is not just a historical account but serves as spiritual guidance and inspiration for Muslims worldwide. His narrative, as detailed in Surah Yusuf, continues to be recited, studied, and reflected upon, highlighting the enduring relevance of his message and the timeless wisdom of his life's journey.




Prophet Yusuf (AS), also known as Joseph in the Bible, is one of the most notable prophets in Islam, and his story is detailed in the Quran in Surah Yusuf. He experienced several remarkable miracles and divine interventions throughout his life, which are significant in Islamic teachings. Some of these are:


1. Dream Interpretation:

One of the most notable miracles of Prophet Yusuf (AS) was his ability to interpret dreams. The most significant was his dream, where he saw eleven stars, the sun, and the moon prostrating to him. This dream was a symbol of his future rise to power and his eventual reunion with his family.

2. Protection in the Well:

After being thrown into a well by his jealous brothers, Yusuf (AS) was protected by Allah's will. He was found by a caravan and sold as a slave in Egypt, which marked the beginning of his journey from slavery to becoming the treasurer of Egypt.

3. Preservation of Beauty and Morality:

Despite being subjected to temptation by the wife of his master, Al-Aziz, Yusuf (AS) remained steadfast and moral. His unwavering commitment to righteousness and his preservation from sin were miraculous in the face of such trials.

4. Innocence Proved by Evidence:

When Yusuf (AS) was falsely accused of seduction, a witness testified that if Yusuf's shirt was torn from the front, he was guilty, but if it was torn from the back, he was innocent. The shirt was found to be torn from the back, proving his innocence miraculously.

5. Gift of Prophecy:

Yusuf’s ability to interpret dreams was a form of prophecy. He interpreted the King’s dream of seven fat cows being eaten by seven lean cows and seven green spikes of grain and others dry, predicting seven years of prosperity followed by seven years of famine. This interpretation allowed Egypt to prepare for the famine and showcased Yusuf’s divine wisdom.

6. Rise to Power:

Yusuf’s (AS) ascent to a position of authority in Egypt, overseeing the storage and distribution of grain, was a significant turn of events and can be seen as miraculous, considering his initial status as a slave and a prisoner.

7. Family Reunion:

The eventual reunion of Yusuf (AS) with his family, including his father Ya'qub (AS), who had lost his eyesight due to grief, was a divine miracle. Yusuf’s (AS) prayer led to the restoration of his father’s eyesight and the fulfillment of his dream, with his parents and eleven brothers prostrating before him, acknowledging his high status.

Prophet Yusuf’s (AS) life was filled with trials, tribulations, and divine interventions, making his story one of the most detailed and miraculous in the Quran.


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