Muslim Soul The heart of Islam

Story of Prophet Hizqeel (Ezekiel) AS



The Journey of Prophet Hizkeel (Ezekiel): A Tale of Prophecy and Resilience


Introduction to Prophet Hizkeel

The story of Prophet Hizkeel, also known as Ezekiel in the Bible, is one of resilience and prophecy, mirroring the human spirit's enduring faith amidst adversity. In Islamic tradition, he is recognized as a noble prophet, even though the Quran does not mention him directly. Most of what we know about him comes from biblical sources, Islamic narrations, and tradition.

Hizkeel's Early Life

Born into a priestly family in Jerusalem, Hizkeel lived in a tumultuous era. It was a time when the Kingdom of Judah was in decline, besieged by external threats, particularly the Babylonian empire. As a young man, Hizkeel was among the Jews exiled to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar in 597 BC.

Divine Calling

It was during this period of exile that Hizkeel was called to prophethood. Islamic tradition holds that he received divine revelations. In these revelations, he has bestowed the responsibility of guiding his people, the exiled Jews, back to righteousness and faith in God.

Hizkeel's Prophecies

Hizkeel's prophetic mission was a challenging one. He was tasked with restoring the faith of a people disheartened and disillusioned by their exile. His divine revelations were marked by vivid, symbolic visions, which he used to convey his prophecies and messages. One of the most famous of these visions is the vision of the "Valley of Dry Bones," a powerful metaphor symbolizing the spiritual resurrection and restoration of the Jewish people.

According to this vision, Hizkeel saw a valley filled with dry bones. He prophesied over the bones at God's command, and they started coming together, forming entire bodies covered with flesh. This vision promised hope and restoration, illustrating that God can bring life and rejuvenation even in the most hopeless situations.

Hizkeel's Enduring Legacy

Hizkeel served as a beacon of faith, guiding his people through one of the darkest periods of their history. He was a patient, resilient prophet who persevered despite the hardships he faced in exile. Through his unwavering faith and trust in God, he instilled hope into the hearts of his fellow exiles, showing them that even in the midst of despair, there is always a light of hope.

Prophet Hizkeel's story is a potent reminder of the power of faith, hope, and resilience. His prophetic visions and teachings inspire millions worldwide, encouraging us all to remain steadfast in our faith, even in the face of adversity.

Death of Prophet Hizqeel (Ezekiel) AS

Prophet Hizqeel, also known as Ezekiel, was a significant figure in religious history, particularly Islam and Christianity. However, the details surrounding his death are somewhat uncertain as they are not explicitly stated in the Quran or the Bible.

In Islamic tradition, it is generally believed that Prophet Hizqeel passed away in Babylon, where he spent much of his life in exile. He continued to guide his people and maintain his faith throughout his life, demonstrating resilience and steadfastness in his devotion to God.

The site believed to be Hizqeel's tomb is in the Iraqi city of Al Kifl. It is a notable shrine and is considered a place of pilgrimage for many people. This suggests that Hizqeel remained a significant spiritual figure even after his death, with his legacy continuing to inspire and guide people in their spiritual journeys.

It's essential to note that these details are primarily derived from tradition and secondary historical sources. The Quran and Hadith do not provide specific information about Prophet Hizqeel's death.





Prophet Hizqeel (AS), also known as Ezekiel in the Bible, is a prophet recognized in Islamic tradition, though there is not much detailed information about him in the Quran. However, through various Islamic narrations, traditions, and Biblical accounts, we can gain insights into some of the remarkable events and miracles associated with him.

Bringing Bones to Life:

One of the most well-known miracles attributed to Prophet Hizqeel (AS) is the miracle of bringing bones to life. It is said that Allah showed him a valley full of dry, scattered bones and asked him if he thought Allah could bring them back to life. Hizqeel (AS) replied affirmingly, expressing his belief in Allah's limitless power. Allah then commanded him to call upon the bones, and as he did, he witnessed them move and join together; flesh grew upon them, and they came back to life by Allah’s will. This event demonstrated the might and power of Allah in giving life to the dead and served as a powerful reminder of the resurrection on the Day of Judgment.

Resurrection of the Dead:

In connection with the above miracle, some traditions state that the people who were resurrected were the Israelites who had died some years before. This miracle was a significant sign for the Children of Israel, illustrating the omnipotence of Allah and the reality of life after death.

Healing the Sick:

Prophet Hizqeel (AS) is also reported to have been granted the ability to heal the sick with Allah’s permission. Through his prayers and supplication, he was able to bring relief and cure to those who were suffering from ailments, showcasing Allah's mercy and compassion.

Preaching and Guidance:

Like other prophets, Hizqeel (AS) was sent to guide his people toward righteousness and monotheism. He conveyed the message of Allah, calling people to worship only Him and to follow His commandments. Through his teachings and guidance, he aimed to bring his people back to the right path and away from sin and disbelief.

Endurance and Patience:

Prophet Hizqeel (AS) exhibited remarkable endurance and patience in delivering the message of Allah amidst challenges and opposition from his people. His perseverance is a significant aspect of his prophethood, illustrating the unwavering commitment of Allah’s messengers to their divine mission.

While the Quran does not provide detailed accounts of Prophet Hizqeel (AS)’s life and miracles, these narrations and traditions offer glimpses into his prophetic mission and the divine signs granted to him. His story serves as a testament to Allah's infinite power, wisdom, and mercy, and it continues to inspire believers to strengthen their faith and trust in Allah’s capabilities.


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