Muslim Soul The heart of Islam

Story of Prophet Nuh (Noah) AS



Title: The Story of Prophet Noah (Nuh AS): An Epic of Faith and Deliverance



Prophet Noah, or Nuh (AS) as he is known in Islam, is a revered figure whose epic story of endurance and faith is shared among the Abrahamic religions. As the Quran recounts, his tale holds profound lessons of patience, perseverance, and divine deliverance.

Prophet Nuh (AS) and His People

Nuh (AS) was sent to guide a community that had lost its way, immersed in idol worship and straying from the worship of the One True God. Nuh's people had built idols as symbols of their ancestors, but with time, they began to worship these idols, forgetting their original purpose.

The Divine Message and Rejection

Nuh (AS) was tasked with the mission of guiding his people back to the path of monotheism and righteousness. He conveyed God's message, warned them of the dire consequences of their misguided practices, and urged them to seek forgiveness from Allah. Despite his persistent efforts, his warnings were met with ridicule and rejection. Only a small group of individuals, mainly the poor and marginalized, heeded his call.

The Commandments of the Ark

As his people continued to reject his message, Allah revealed to Nuh (AS) that no more of his people would believe than those who already had. He was then commanded to build an enormous ark under divine guidance. While constructing the ark, Nuh (AS) endured further mockery from his people. However, he remained patient, steadfast, and completely trusting in God's plan.

The Great Flood and Divine Deliverance

Upon the ark's completion, Nuh (AS) received another revelation from Allah, instructing him to board the ark with his family, the few believers, and a pair from every species. As they embarked, rain began to pour, and water gushed forth from the earth, resulting in a catastrophic flood that engulfed everything. Nuh's (AS) son, who had rejected his father's message, chose to seek refuge on a mountain instead of joining them on the ark and was among those who perished in the flood.

Aftermath and Conclusion

As stated in the Quran, the ark eventually came to rest on Mount Judi. As the waters receded, a new beginning awaited those aboard the ark. The earth was again populated, this time by the believers and the righteous.

The story of Prophet Nuh (AS) is a powerful testament to the strength of unwavering faith and patience in the face of ridicule and rejection. It serves as a stark warning to those who reject the divine message and a reassurance to those who, despite adversities, stay true to their faith. The tale of Nuh (AS) symbolizes hope, renewal, and the ultimate triumph of truth.




Prophet Noah is directly referred to 47 times in the Qur'an. Here are those references for your perusal: Imran (3:33), Anam (6:84), Araf (7:59, 7:64, 7:69), Taubah (9:70), Yunus (10:71, 10:73), Hud (11:25, 11:36, 11:37, 11:40, 11:89) Ibrahim (14:9) Isra (17:3, 17:17) Maryam (19:58) Anbiya (21:76) Hajj (22:42) Muminun (23:23, 23:27) Furqan (25:37) Shuara (26:105) Ankabut (29:14, 29:15, 29:120) Saffat (37:75) Sad (38:12) Ghafir (40:5, 40:31) Shura (42:13) Qaf (50:12) Dhariyat (51:46) Najm (53:52) Qamar (54:9, 54:11, 54:13) Hadid (57:26) Tahrim (66:10) Nuh (71:1)






Prophet Nuh (AS) or Noah in English, is one of the earliest prophets sent by Allah to guide humanity. He is highly esteemed in Islam and is known as one of the five main Prophets of strong resolve (Ulul Azmi). The Quran narrates several significant events and miracles associated with Prophet Nuh (AS):

1. Longevity:

Prophet Nuh (AS) had an extraordinarily long lifespan, which is a miracle in itself. He preached to his people for 950 years according to the Quran (29:14), but his total age was even longer. This longevity was given to him by Allah to allow ample time for people to repent and turn back to the right path.

2. The Great Flood:

One of the most significant miracles associated with Prophet Nuh (AS) was the Great Flood. After years of preaching, only a small group of people heeded his message. As a result, Allah commanded him to build an ark under divine guidance. This ark was constructed in a place with no water bodies around, and people mocked him for building an ark in such a place.

3. Building the Ark:

The construction of the ark itself was a miraculous event. Prophet Nuh (AS) was given knowledge by Allah to build a seaworthy vessel without any previous experience or tradition of shipbuilding among his people. The ark was made of planks and nails, and it housed Prophet Nuh (AS), the believers, and a pair from every species of animals.

4. The Ark’s Protection:

During the flood, the ark was safeguarded by Allah’s command. The Quran (54:13) mentions that it was under Our Eyes and Our protection, showing the divine care given to Prophet Nuh (AS) and the inhabitants of the ark.

5. The Earth Swallowing the Water:

After the flood, Allah commanded the earth to swallow the water and the sky to clear, saving Prophet Nuh (AS) and the believers. The mountain of Judi is mentioned in the Quran (11:44) as the resting place of the ark.

6. Start of a New Generation:

After the flood, Prophet Nuh (AS) and his followers were the only surviving humans. They were blessed with the responsibility to repopulate the earth, starting a new generation of mankind with a fresh opportunity to live in guidance and righteousness.

7. Prayer for his Son:

Prophet Nuh’s (AS) prayer for his disbelieving son and the subsequent response from Allah (11:45-46) highlight the lesson that guidance is in the hands of Allah, and even a prophet's immediate family is not guaranteed salvation without faith.

These miraculous events in the life of Prophet Nuh (AS) serve as important lessons about faith, patience, divine guidance, and the consequences of disbelief. The story of Nuh (AS) and the flood is a reminder of Allah’s mercy and justice.



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