Muslim Soul The heart of Islam

Story of Prophet Isa (Jesus) AS



The Life and Miracles of Prophet Jesus (Isa)


Allah's Word: The Denial of a Divine Son

In several verses of the noble Quran, Allah Almighty refutes the Christians' assertion of His divine Son. When a delegation from Nagran visited Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), they conversed about their belief in the Trinity - God being a threefold entity consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As a response, Allah, through the verses of the Quran, emphasized that Jesus was His servant, conceived in His mother's womb like any other being. He created him uniquely, without a father, just as Adam was created without any parents. In his wisdom, Allah chose Jesus as one of His messengers.

The Birth of Mary as Described in the Quran

In the Quran, Allah proclaims His favor on the families of Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Imran, elevating them above all other beings in their respective times. When the wife of Imran dedicated the unborn child in her womb to Allah's service, He accepted her pledge. The baby, Mary, was a girl – an occurrence Allah knew and understood.

Provision for Mary

Mary was then placed under the care of Zechariah and thrived beautifully. Surprisingly, Zechariah found Mary with sustenance every time he visited her prayer room. The Quran reveals that when asked, Mary accredited her provisions to Allah, who grants abundance to whom He pleases.

Mary's Lineage

Allah chose Adam (pbuh) and the pious among his descendants, then particularly selected the families of Abraham (pbuh), including Ishmael's sons and Imran, Mary's Father. It's stated that Imran's lineage traces back to David (Dawud).

The Miracle of Mary's Birth

Hannah, the wife of Prophet Zakariyah's (pbuh) brother-in-law Imran, yearned for a child despite being childless. She held on to the hope that Allah would bless her with offspring. Upon discovering her pregnancy, Hannah and Imran were ecstatic and thanked Allah for his mercy. Unfortunately, Imran died before witnessing their long-awaited child's birth. After Hannah gave birth to Mary, she prayed to Allah, seeking refuge for her and her descendants from Satan.

Zechariah Becomes Mary's Guardian

Females weren't typically accepted into the temple, which created an issue for Hannah's vow. Zakariyah, her sister's husband, assured her that Allah appreciated her intentions. He then requested the temple elders to consider him as Mary's guardian since he was her closest relative in the temple. They agreed to resolve the matter by casting lots, a customary method of settling disagreements. Zakariyah's lot remained afloat, signaling that he was to be Mary's guardian.

Mary's Virtuous Life

Zakariyah built her a private room in the temple to safeguard Mary's solitude. There, Mary devoted her life to worshipping Allah. Zakariyah visited her daily and found her room one day filled with off-season fruits. Upon inquiry, Mary revealed that they were divine gifts from Allah. Realizing that Mary was held in high esteem by Allah, Zakariyah devoted more time to teach and guide her.

Mary's High Esteem in Islam

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has a highly regarded Mary in the Islamic tradition. He considered her the best woman of her time, comparable only to Khadija, Muhammad's wife. He also affirmed that few women achieved perfection in faith, with Mary being one of them, along with Asiya, the wife of Pharaoh. This respect underscores Mary's virtue and devotion in the eyes of Islam.

The Divine Announcement of Jesus' Birth

Mary encountered a startling vision in her devotion to prayer: an angel in human form. Overwhelmed by fear, she sought protection from Allah. The angel, however, was a messenger delivering extraordinary news. He told Mary she would bear a righteous son. Despite her confusion and questions, the angel assured her of Allah's decree, setting her destiny in motion.

The Birth of Jesus

As months passed, Mary's apprehension grew. The thought of bearing a child outside of marriage was troubling. Despite these concerns, she felt the burgeoning life within her. She moved to a humble farmhouse in her birth city, Nazareth, to avoid public scrutiny.

However, the solitude did not alleviate her anxieties. Eventually, unable to bear the strain, she left Nazareth. While on her journey, she was overtaken by the throes of labor, leading her to take refuge in a palm tree where she gave birth to her Son, Jesus.

Allah's Comfort and the Miracle of Jesus' Speech

In the aftermath of childbirth, Mary was comforted by a divine voice and a miracle: a fresh rivulet and ripe dates from the once-dry palm tree. This was a clear sign of her innocence and Allah's blessings.

When Mary returned to Nazareth with Jesus, she was met with skepticism and condemnation. However, Jesus performed a miracle to defend his mother. He spoke as a newborn, expressing his servitude to Allah and declaring his prophetic mission, leaving many in awe.

The Quranic Revelation of Jesus' Birth

The Quran offers a detailed account of these events. It describes Mary's encounter with the angel, her disbelief at the news of her pregnancy, and Allah's assurances. The Quran also narrates the circumstances of Jesus' miraculous birth and the divine comfort Mary received afterward.

Mary and Jesus' Return to Nazareth - A Quranic Perspective

Upon their return to Nazareth, Mary, and Jesus faced accusations of impropriety. However, Jesus defended his mother by speaking in the cradle, confirming his status as a servant of Allah and a prophet. This Quranic narration highlights the miraculous nature of Jesus' birth and life.


A Quranic Understanding of Jesus

The Quran gives a precise depiction of Jesus, the Son of Mary. This is a statement of truth, which some people doubt or dispute. It doesn't fit with Allah's grandeur that He should father a son. This reference counters the Christian assertion that Jesus is the Son of Allah. Allah is exalted above all that they associate with Him. When He decides something, He simply commands it to "Be!" – and it is. Jesus himself professed, "Allah is indeed my Lord and yours. Worship Him alone. This is the straight path." Thereafter, sects differed over Jesus's identity, and disbelievers faced doom in the afterlife (Ch 19:34-39 Quran).

Tales Surrounding Mary's Pregnancy

Mary's pregnancy story has been the source of much wonder. Joseph the Carpenter, perplexed by the miracle, queried Mary about the possibility of a child without a male partner. She replied that Allah created Adam without a male or a female. During her pregnancy, Mary's experience was shared by her aunt, suggesting the divine nature of Mary's unborn child.

Jesus Provokes Jewish Leaders

Jewish leaders considered Jesus a potential threat. They feared his miracles would turn people's worship solely towards Allah, undermining their religious authority. Therefore, they hid Jesus's miraculous infant speech and falsely accused Mary of misconduct.

Jesus's Intellectual Capacity

As Jesus matured, prophetic signs became more prominent. He demonstrated advanced knowledge and was unafraid to engage with learned rabbis, often posing challenging questions. His keenness for intellectual debate sometimes led him to lose track of time.

Jesus's Controversial Observance of the Sabbath

Jesus came under scrutiny for his actions on the Sabbath, a day of strict rest by Jewish law. Despite this, he prioritized compassion and kindness, actions viewed as violations by strict observers. His actions and observations of hypocrisy in the temple set the stage for his prophethood.

The Inception of Jesus's Prophethood

Jesus was appalled by the materialistic behaviors he observed in the temple. The Pharisees and Sadducees prioritized monetary gain over spiritual matters, deeply disturbing him. On the same night as the deaths of prophets John and Zakariyah, he received a divine revelation, marking the start of his mission among the Children of Israel.

The Message of Jesus

Jesus's message opposed the Pharisees' practices and fortified the Law of Moses. His teachings urged people towards a life of virtue and simplicity. Jesus emphasized the importance of spiritual connection with Allah, arguing against the superficial Jewish interpretation of the Torah. He clarified that the commandments extended beyond physical acts, encompassing psychological and spiritual implications as well. His teachings brought a new depth to the understanding of these laws.


Jesus' Stance Against Materialism

In a stark confrontation with materialistic tendencies, Jesus denounced hypocrisy, ostentation, and insincere praise. He asserted that accumulating wealth in this life was futile, urging people to focus on spiritual matters that pertained to everlasting life in the world to come. This stance was rooted in his belief that attachment to worldly possessions was sinful and not befitting of true worshipers.

He also distinguished believers who trusted in the provision of Allah. He disdained worldly pursuits, and disbelievers engrossed in material wealth due to a lack of a higher understanding. His primary message to his followers was to worship the Only Lord, devoid of any partners, and strive to purify the heart and soul.

Jesus Challenges Jewish Priests

However, Jesus' teachings did not sit well with the priests, as his words threatened their standing and highlighted their wrongdoings. Initially, the Roman occupiers had little interest in this internal religious dispute among the Jews, viewing it as a distraction from the occupation issues.

Nevertheless, the priests conspired to discredit Jesus, attempting to demonstrate that his teachings contradicted the Mosaic Law. Their plot involved a test using the law's provision for stoning an adulteress to death. When they presented Jesus with a woman accused of adultery, he responded by challenging any sinless person among them to cast the first stone. His response signified a new perspective on judging sin, asserting that only Allah, the Most Merciful, has the authority to judge sins.

Jesus' Miracles and Teachings

Empowered by divine miracles, Jesus continued his mission, teaching his followers to extend mercy to each other and to believe in Allah. According to some Qur'anic commentators, he resurrected four people: a friend named Al-Azam, an old woman's Son, a woman's only daughter, and Sam the Ibn Noah.

The Qur'an describes other miracles performed by Jesus, such as creating a bird from clay, healing the blind and the lepers, and bringing forth the dead. These feats served as evidence of divine support and made it clear that his mission was anchored in mercy, not judgement or punishment.

Jesus' Disciples and Their Faith

His disciples professed their belief in Allah and Jesus, declaring themselves Muslims and helpers in Allah's cause. Despite plots from disbelievers to kill Jesus, the disciples remained steadfast in their faith, embodying the principles of truth and belief in Allah's sovereignty.

Thus, the teachings of Jesus were centered on anti-materialism, mercy, and a firm belief in Allah, his divine miracles serving as a testament to his message. Despite facing adversity from the priests and disbelievers, he continued to propagate his message with the support of his faithful disciples.


The Miraculous Feast Sent by Allah

In his pursuit to guide people towards Almighty Allah, Jesus often found himself surrounded by a small group of disciples - the poor, downtrodden, and oppressed. Many of Jesus's miracles were inspired by the desires of these followers, including their wish for a divine feast to descend from heaven. This led to a monumental event, remembered as Allah providing the disciples with a heavenly spread of food.

The Request for a Heavenly Feast

One day, standing on a mountain, the disciples approached Jesus, saying, "Can your Lord send down to us a table spread (with food) from heaven?" Jesus, in response, encouraged them to maintain their faith in Allah. The disciples clarified their intention, wanting to strengthen their faith and bear witness to this miracle. Jesus agreed to their request, praying, "O Allah, our Lord! Send us from heaven a table spread (with food) that there may be for us – for the first and the last of us – a festival and a sign from You; and provide us sustenance, for You are the best of sustainers."

The Feast Descends

Upon concluding a 30-day fast, Jesus and his disciples found themselves in the presence of a divine miracle. A table laden with food descended from the heavens, cushioned by two clouds. Jesus prayed for this miraculous feast to be a mercy rather than a source of distress. Once it settled before them, Jesus and his disciples prostrated in awe and gratitude, appreciating a unique fragrance they had never experienced before. Uncovering the table after ablution and prayer, they found a roasted fish. Thousands partook of the divine meal, never depleting it, and a secondary miracle unfolded - the blind could see, and the lepers were healed.

Misinterpretation and Worship of Jesus

Unfortunately, as time passed, followers and disciples began to misinterpret the essence of these miracles, attributing divinity to Jesus and worshipping him as a god. This raised critical questions that Allah would later ask Jesus on the Day of Resurrection.

Allah's Questions to Jesus

On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will ask Jesus, "Did you say unto men: 'Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?'" Jesus will deny such claims, stating he only urged his followers to worship Allah, their Lord, and his.

The Conspiring of the Jews and the Ordeal of Jesus

Jesus's teachings posed a threat to those entrenched in vice and immorality. Accusations against him ranged from magic, Mosaic Law violation, and alliances with the devil. Once the influential Jews saw the poor people rally to his call, they began plotting against him.

The Betrayal of Judas

The Jewish council, the Sanhedrin, schemed to end Jesus's influence. When their efforts to quell his teachings proved unsuccessful, they decided on a more drastic course - to kill him. One of Jesus's apostles, Judas Iscariot, played into their plans, offering to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.

Jesus's Arrest and Crucifixion

The Jewish priests convinced the Roman governor that Jesus was plotting against the empire's security. The governor ordered Jesus's arrest, and he was subjected to severe torture. He was flogged brutally, following Roman custom, before being handed over for crucifixion. This brutal act culminated at a place outside Jerusalem's walls known as Golgotha or the Place of Skulls.

Jesus's Crucifixion: Bible vs. Quranic Perspective

The Crucifixion in the Bible

According to the Bible, Jesus was led to a place known as Golgotha, or the Place of Skulls, just outside Jerusalem. Here, instead of being given a pain-relieving mix of wine and myrrh, he was given a bitter cup of vinegar diluted with gall. He was crucified alongside two thieves, making the scene a picture of ultimate derision.

The Quranic Take on Jesus's End

In contrast to the biblical narrative, Islam presents a different view of Jesus's end and nature. The Glorious Quran contends that Allah did not allow the Israelites to kill or crucify Jesus. Instead, it suggests that Allah saved him from his adversaries and elevated him to heaven. This narrative assert that the person killed was not Jesus but someone else, while Jesus was raised to the heavens in both body and soul. This belief is affirmed in Chapters 4:157-159 and 3:55 of the Quran.

The Christian Claim and its Refutation

Allah's Denial of Begetting Anyone

Several Quranic verses (Ch 19:88-95 and Ch 6:100-103) refute the assertions made by Jews and Christians about the divine origin of Jesus. They dispute the concept of God begetting a son, declaring such claims grossly erroneous. The Quran emphasizes the belief that all beings in the heavens and the earth are Allah's servants, and the idea of Him begetting a son or children is incompatible with His majesty.

Allah's Position on Jesus and Ezra

In addition, the Quran rejects the notion of the Trinity in Christianity, emphasizing the monotheistic nature of Islam (Ch 4:171-173). It argues that Jesus, the Son of Mary, was a messenger of Allah and His Word, which He granted to Mary, along with a spirit created by Him.

The Quran also refutes the Jewish belief that Ezra is Allah's Son. The Quran considers such claims as mere imitations of the words of past disbelievers and deviates from the truth. As stated in Chapter 9:30-32, Allah warns against obeying religious leaders who proclaim things as lawful or unlawful based on personal whims, not divine decree.

In conclusion, both the Bible and the Quran recount the crucifixion of Jesus but from significantly different perspectives, reflecting the distinct beliefs of Christianity and Islam.


Allah's Denial of Fathering Anyone

According to the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty expressed his stance in clear terms:

"Ask them, Muhammad: 'Are there daughters for your Lord and sons for them? Or did We create the angel's females while they were witnesses? Undeniably, their claim that Allah has begotten offspring or children (considering angels as Allah's daughters) is a falsehood. They lie when they say Allah has chosen daughters over sons. How do you decide? Will you not then remember? Bring your Book if you are truthful!'"

The Quran continues to refute these unfounded claims:

"They have invented a kinship between Him and the jinns, but the jinns are fully aware that they will indeed be held accountable. Glorified be Allah! He is free from what they attribute to Him! Except the slaves of Allah, whom He chooses for His Mercy. (Ch 37:149-160 Quran)"

Allah's Refutation of Jesus as His Son

Allah Almighty further declares:

"Those who say Jesus is the Messiah, Son of Mary, are truly in disbelief. And the Jews and Christians say, 'We are the children of Allah and His loved ones.' But why, then, does He punish you for your sins? You are but human beings created by Him. He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills."

This clear message is presented in the Quran:

"O people of the Scripture! Our Messenger (Muhammad) has now come to you, making things clear to you after a break in the series of Messengers. You can't say: 'No bringer of glad tidings or warner came to us.' Now, a bringer of glad tidings and a warner has come to you. And Allah is capable of doing all things. (Ch 5:17-19 Quran)."

The Dire Consequences of Disbelief

Allah Almighty has explicitly stated the grave consequences of disbelief:

"Those who say Allah is the Messiah, Son of Mary, are disbelievers. The Messiah (Jesus) himself said: 'O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord, and your Lord.' If anyone worships other than Allah, Paradise will be forbidden for him, and he will be destined for Fire. There will be no helpers for wrong-doers."

Furthermore, He warns those who see Him as a third of the Trinity:

"If they don't stop saying that Allah is the third of the three, a painful torment will befall them. They should repent to Allah and ask for His forgiveness, for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

No Descendants for Allah

Finally, Allah makes it clear:

"Praise and thanks be to Allah, Who has not begotten a son, has no partner in His Dominion, nor needs any helper or protector. Magnify Him with all magnificence (Allahu-Akbar, Allah is the Greatest)."

In response to questions raised about Allah's lineage, the Quran provides a clear answer:

"He is Allah, the One. Allah As-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks). He begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him. (Ch 112:1-4 Quran)."




Prophet Isa (AS), known as Jesus in Christianity, was bestowed with several miracles by Allah to prove to the people of his time that he was a messenger of Allah. Here are some of the remarkable miracles of Prophet Isa (AS) as mentioned in the Quran:

1. Virgin Birth:

One of the most significant miracles of Prophet Isa (AS) is his virgin birth. He was born to Maryam (Mary), who was a chaste and devout servant of Allah, without a father. This miraculous birth was a sign from Allah and demonstrated His power to create in any manner He wills.

2. Speaking in the Cradle:

Prophet Isa (AS) spoke while he was still a baby in the cradle. He declared his Prophethood and the message he was sent with, which was to worship Allah alone. This was a miracle given to him by Allah to defend his mother from the accusations of the people and to declare his mission from a young age.

3. Healing the Sick and the Blind:

Prophet Isa (AS) was given the miracle of healing by the permission of Allah. He could heal those who were born blind and lepers. This miracle demonstrated the divine power of Allah and served as a sign of Isa’s (AS) Prophethood.

4. Reviving the Dead:

One of the most astonishing miracles of Isa (AS) was his ability, by Allah’s permission, to bring the dead back to life. This was a clear sign of his Prophethood and a demonstration of the power of Allah, who is the Giver of Life and Death.

5. Creating Birds from Clay:

Prophet Isa (AS) fashioned the shape of birds from clay, and by Allah's permission, when he breathed into them, they became real birds and flew away. This miracle served as a demonstration of the creative power of Allah and a sign of Isa’s (AS) mission.

6. Informing of the Unseen:

Prophet Isa (AS) was given the knowledge of the unseen by Allah. He could tell people what they had eaten and what they had stored in their houses. This knowledge of the unseen was a sign of his Prophethood and a demonstration of Allah’s knowledge of all things.

7. Protection from Harm:

Prophet Isa (AS) was protected by Allah from the plots of the disbelievers who sought to harm him. According to Islamic belief, he was not crucified, but rather, Allah raised him up to Himself, and he will return in the end times.

8. The Table Spread (Al-Ma'idah):

The disciples of Isa (AS) asked him to pray to Allah to send down a table spread with food from the heavens as a sign and a special provision. Allah answered his prayer but also warned that those who disbelieved afterward would be punished.

These miracles of Prophet Isa (AS) were clear signs of his Prophethood and were performed by the permission of Allah to guide the people to the truth. They illustrated the might and wisdom of Allah and served to strengthen the faith of the believers.



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