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Story of Prophet Shia (Isaiah) AS


Story of Prophet Shia (Isaiah) AS


Prophet Isaiah, known as Shia in Islamic tradition, is a major figure in both the Bible and Islamic tradition. However, unlike many other prophets, he is not mentioned by name in the Quran, so most of what is known about him in Islam comes from Jewish and Christian sources, as well as some Islamic Hadith and Tafsir. His story in the Bible is much more extensive and is included in the Book of Isaiah.

Birth and Early Life

Isaiah was born into a noble family in Jerusalem around the 8th century BCE. In the Bible, his father's name is Amoz, but the details of his early life are largely unknown. It's also not mentioned whether he had any siblings.

In Islamic tradition, the details about Isaiah's early life are scarce. His prophethood is acknowledged, but the specifics of his personal life are not recorded in detail.

Prophethood and Teachings

Isaiah received his call to prophecy in a vision in the year of King Uzziah's death, around 740 BCE. This is detailed in Isaiah 6:1-8 in the Bible. He saw the Lord sitting on a throne, with seraphim around him. One seraph flew to him with the hot coal and touched his lips with it, symbolically purifying him. Then the Lord asked whom he should send as a prophet, and Isaiah answered, "Here am I. Send me."

Isaiah's main teachings centered on the necessity of trust in the one true God and the need for justice and righteousness. He prophesied the coming of the Messiah and made many predictions about the future of Israel and surrounding nations. He also warned the people of Israel about the consequences of their sinful behavior, predicting that their actions would lead to destruction and exile.

In Islamic tradition, while the specifics of Isaiah's teachings are not mentioned in the Quran, it is understood that, as a prophet, he would have preached monotheism and righteousness. Some Islamic scholars also believe that he prophesied the coming of Jesus and Muhammad, basing these beliefs on interpretations of certain Hadith and Tafsir.

Later Life and Death

Isaiah served as a prophet during the reigns of four kings of Judah: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, according to the Book of Isaiah. He had a significant influence on King Hezekiah, who is known to have taken his advice on multiple occasions.

As for his death, the Bible does not provide specifics. However, Jewish tradition maintains that he was martyred during the reign of King Manasseh by being sawn in half. This account is mentioned in the Talmud and is alluded to in the New Testament (Hebrews 11:37).

Islamic tradition does not provide specifics about Isaiah's death either. As with many other prophets in Islam, the emphasis is on his role as a messenger of God rather than on the details of his life and death.

In both the Bible and Islamic tradition, Isaiah is remembered as a prophet who called people back to worship the one true God and urged them to live justly and righteously. His prophecies about the coming of the Messiah and the future of Israel have had a lasting impact on both Christian and Jewish theology.





Prophet Shia (AS), known as Isaiah in the Bible, is not mentioned explicitly in the Quran. However, he is recognized in Islamic tradition as a prophet. Here are some remarkable events and miracles associated with his life, primarily drawn from Biblical and Islamic traditions:

Foretelling Events:

Prophet Shia (AS) was known for receiving divine revelations that foretold future events. He prophesized about the coming of several other prophets, including Prophet Isa (AS) (Jesus), and he spoke of the future Messiah’s birth to a virgin, a significant prophecy in both Christian and Islamic traditions.

Vision of the Divine Throne:

According to the Bible, Isaiah had a vision in which he saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne. This vision is considered a remarkable spiritual experience, showcasing the closeness of Prophet Shia (AS) to Allah and his ability to receive divine revelations.

Warning and Guidance to Kings:

Prophet Shia (AS) played a significant role in guiding and advising the kings of his time. He was sent to guide the people of Israel and their leaders back to the righteous path and warn them of their actions' consequences. His guidance and warnings to the kings were a testament to his prophethood.

Prophecies of Judgment and Redemption:

One of the significant aspects of Prophet Shia’s (AS) mission was his prophecies concerning the judgment and redemption of the Children of Israel. He warned the people of the divine punishment that would befall them if they continued in their disobedience, and he also spoke of a future time of redemption and peace.

Book of Isaiah:

The Book of Isaiah in the Bible is attributed to him and contains a collection of his prophecies, visions, and teachings. This book is a significant part of his legacy, providing insights into his life, mission, and the divine messages he conveyed.

Longevity and Endurance:

Traditions suggest that Prophet Shia (AS) had a long life and endured significant hardships during his mission. His steadfastness and endurance in delivering the message of Allah, despite facing challenges and opposition, are noteworthy.

While detailed accounts of his life and mission are not available in Islamic sources, the events above and miracles associated with Prophet Shia (AS) have been acknowledged in various traditions. They are indicative of his prophethood and closeness to Allah.


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