Muslim Soul The heart of Islam

Story of Prophet Yunus (Jonah) AS


The story of Prophet Yunus (PBUH)



Prophet Yunus (PBUH), also known as Jonah in the Christian and Jewish traditions, is a revered figure in Islam known for his tale of repentance and mercy. His story demonstrates Allah's forgiveness for sincere repentance and the importance of patience and trust in Allah during trials.

Birth and Early Life

The details about the early life and birth of Prophet Yunus (PBUH) are not mentioned explicitly in Islamic sources. However, it's known that Allah sent Yunus (PBUH) to the people of Nineveh, a city in ancient Assyria (modern-day northern Iraq).

The Call to Nineveh

Allah dispatched Prophet Yunus (PBUH) to guide the inhabitants of Nineveh. The people of this city were known for their polytheistic practices and refusal to heed the call of monotheism. Yunus was responsible for leading them back to the path of righteousness and faith in the One True God. Despite his persistent efforts, his call was largely ignored, and the people continued in their ways, rebuffing the prophet's messages.

The Escape to the Sea

Disheartened by the constant dismissal of his teachings, Prophet Yunus (PBUH) left Nineveh frustrated without receiving direct permission from Allah. He boarded a ship, hoping to start anew elsewhere. During the voyage, a violent storm arose, and the sailors, believing the tempest was a sign of divine wrath, decided to lighten the ship by casting lots to throw a passenger overboard. The lot fell upon Yunus, and he was cast into the stormy sea.

In the Belly of the Whale

Amid the tumultuous waves, a giant fish, often called a whale, swallowed Yunus (PBUH). Within the belly of the whale, Yunus realized the enormity of his mistake in abandoning his mission without Allah's command. In this moment of utter despair, he turned to Allah, sincerely repenting his decision. His prayer, encapsulated in the Quranic verse, "There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers" (Quran 21:87), is a testament to his profound remorse and absolute faith in Allah.

The Miracle of Repentance

Allah, in His infinite mercy, accepted Yunus's sincere repentance. He commanded the whale to eject Yunus onto a barren shore. Weak and ill, Yunus (PBUH) was sheltered by a plant that Allah miraculously caused to grow next to him. He regained his strength under this plant and returned to Nineveh.

Return to Nineveh and Acceptance of Faith

Upon his return to Nineveh, Prophet Yunus found that his people had experienced a collective change of heart in his absence. They repented sincerely in realizing the possibility of divine punishment due to their disobedience. Witnessing this change, Yunus (PBUH) was able to guide them further into the teachings of Islam.


The story of Prophet Yunus (PBUH) is an enduring lesson in patience, persistence, and sincere repentance. His life illustrates the divine mercy of Allah, ready to accept sincere repentance, no matter the circumstances. His tale reminds believers of the importance of unwavering faith, patience during trials, and fulfilling one's divine mission. Even in times of despair, as Yunus experienced in the belly of the whale, turning to Allah with sincerity can lead to redemption and mercy. The eventual acceptance of faith by the people of Nineveh also shows that it's never too late for a community to return to righteousness.





Prophet Yunus (AS), also known as Jonah in the Bible, is well-known for a significant miracle related to his time inside a large fish or whale. The story of Yunus (AS) and the whale is a remarkable narrative filled with lessons of patience, repentance, and reliance on Allah. Here is a detailed account of the story:

Miracle of the Whale

1.   Departure from Nineveh: Yunus (AS) was sent to the people of Nineveh, a city known for its widespread corruption and disbelief. Despite his efforts, the people were resistant to his message. After years of preaching without any apparent success, Yunus (AS) left the city in frustration without receiving permission from Allah to do so.

2.    The Storm and the Whale: After leaving Nineveh, Yunus (AS) boarded a ship, but a severe storm arose, making the ship nearly capsize. The crew, believing that someone on board had brought Allah's displeasure, drew lots to throw someone overboard. Yunus (AS) was chosen, and upon being cast into the sea, a large fish or whale swallowed him. The Quran mentions this incident: "Then the fish swallowed him, while he was blameworthy." (Quran 37:142)

3.    Prayer in the Darkness: Inside the belly of the fish, surrounded by darkness, Yunus (AS) realized his mistake and turned to Allah in sincere repentance. He prayed: "There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers." (Quran 21:87). Recognizing his error and sincerely seeking forgiveness, Yunus (AS) maintained his praise of Allah in such a dire situation.

4.    Redemption and Release: Allah, in His infinite mercy, accepted Yunus (AS)'s repentance. The Quran tells us: "So We responded to him and saved him from the distress. And thus do We save the believers." (Quran 21:88) Yunus (AS) was released from the belly of the whale, and he was cast ashore in a weakened state.

5.    Recovery and Second Chance: Yunus (AS) was frail and ill after being expelled from the fish. Allah caused a plant to grow over him, providing shade and protection. Allah also caused a spring to gush forth, allowing Yunus (AS) to drink and regain strength. This care and provision from Allah signify His mercy and forgiveness towards His servants who repent sincerely.

6.    Return to Nineveh: After recovering, Yunus (AS) returned to Nineveh to continue his mission. This time, the people of Nineveh listened to his message, believed in Allah, and repented for their past actions. The entire city, from the leaders to the citizens, wore garments of humility and sought forgiveness from Allah, who forgave them and showered them with His mercy.


Lessons and Reflections

The story of Yunus (AS) and the whale is not just a tale of a miraculous survival but a profound lesson in humility, repentance, and the boundless mercy of Allah. It teaches believers the importance of patience, persistence in delivering Allah’s message and turning to Allah in times of distress. Yunus (AS)'s story is a reminder that no matter how far one may stray, Allah's mercy is always accessible to those who seek it with a sincere heart.


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