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Story of Prophet Dawood (David) AS



Story of Prophet Dawood (David) AS


The Challenge of Goliath and David's Intervention

In a time of great strife, two armies stood opposed, the soldiers of King Saul and the forces led by the towering Goliath. Battle customs of the era dictated that single combat was a path to resolution, and Goliath, wishing to demonstrate his might, challenged any among Saul's soldiers to face him. The sight of the gigantic warrior instilled fear, and no volunteer dared step forward despite King Saul's enticing offer of his daughter's hand in marriage to the one who'd fight Goliath. However, a stir ran through the ranks when a young man emerged - David of Bethlehem.

David, the youngest of three brothers serving in Saul's army, had been tasked by his elderly father with assisting the military in non-combat roles while keeping him informed about the war's progress. Although Saul admired his unexpected courage, the king doubted David's ability to challenge a seasoned warrior like Goliath. David, calm, shared his triumphs over a lion and a bear, asking the king not to judge him by his physical stature alone. Saul, taken aback, conceded, praying for divine protection and strength for David.

The Confrontation Between David and Goliath

Rather than accept traditional battle attire, David opted for the simplicity of his usual garb. Armed with a sling, a few pebbles in a leather pouch, and his wooden staff, David bravely marched toward Goliath. Skeptical, Saul questioned his unconventional weaponry, but David replied with unwavering faith, asserting that the same divine protection he had received against wild beasts would be with him against Goliath.

The sight of the youthful David evoked mockery from Goliath. Still, David confidently retorted that he was fighting in the name of Allah, the Lord of the Israelites, whose laws Goliath had ridiculed. Quickly, David took a pebble from his pouch, loaded his sling, and aimed at Goliath. The pebble hit Goliath's head with enormous force, killing the giant before he could draw his sword. The sight of their fallen hero sent Goliath's soldiers into a chaotic retreat, with the Israelites seizing the opportunity to pursue and defeat their long-time oppressors.

David's Rise and Divine Favor

David's heroic act brought him overnight fame. King Saul fulfilled his promise, giving David his daughter Michal's hand in marriage and appointing him as a chief advisor. Allah's favor was with David; he was granted the kingdom after Saul and Samuel's deaths, wisdom, and divine knowledge. He became a beacon of strength and an instrument of peace in a land that might have been overrun by mischief without divine intervention.

David's Life as a Prophet and His Miraculous Abilities

David's fame did not distract him from his devotion to Allah. After defeating Goliath, he retreated into the desert, immersing himself in the beauty of nature and contemplating Allah's blessings. His sincere praises were echoed by the plants, animals, and mountains that responded to his voice, a testament to David's chosen status as a prophet. Allah revealed the Psalms to him, further elevating his spiritual connection.

In addition to the ability to connect with nature, David was also granted the power to understand the languages of birds and animals. This unique gift served as a testament to his special role. The miracle of these divine gifts and David's unwavering faith and courage are potent reminders of his dedication and the power of divine will.


Death of Prophet David (AS)

David (AS) ruled for about forty years. When his death approached, he entrusted his son Solomon (AS) to rule the Israelites. His death marked the end of a pious and just era.

One Islamic tradition narrates that David died on a Sunday afternoon, and Solomon (AS) placed his father's body on a horse and took it to the 'Holy Rock' in Jerusalem. He commanded the birds to protect it with their wings from the sun until the grave was dug.

David's Legacy

According to Islamic tradition, David's legacy includes not only his role as a Prophet and a King but also his wisdom and courage, devotion to Allah, and adherence to justice. He is remembered as a shepherd, a warrior, a king, and a prophet. David killed Goliath, established a kingdom, and was blessed with prophethood. His life was filled with trials and tribulations, but he remained steadfast and faithful to Allah.

David's Book: The Psalms (Zabur)

The Psalms (Zabur), which is one of the four holy books of Islam, were given to David by Allah. These are a collection of hymns, prayers, and other religious writings, expressing praise, lament, thanksgiving, and confession. They serve as a guide and a source of comfort, offering a way to worship and connect with Allah.

David is mentioned in the Quran as a man of strength and faith who was granted wisdom and the ability to discern the truth from falsehood. He is revered in Islam as a prophet who followed Allah's guidance and passed His divine wisdom to his people. His story exemplifies devotion, wisdom, bravery, and reliance on Allah's power.


David's Son Solomon (PBUT)

David had a son named Solomon (Sulaiman), who was known for his wisdom even from a young age. When Solomon was only eleven, he showed a remarkable ability to make fair decisions, which impressed his father and further elevated his status among the people.

In one instance, two men brought a dispute before King David. One man owned a field; the other owned sheep, which had strayed into the field and grazed on the crops. David, contemplating on the matter, was about to render his judgment when Solomon interjected with his solution: the owner of the sheep should take the field to cultivate until the grapes grow back, while the owner of the field should take the sheep and make use of their wool and milk until his field is restored. This would ensure that both men would have a source of income until the field was repaired.

King David acknowledged Solomon's wisdom, declaring, "This is a sound judgment. Praise be to Allah for gifting you with wisdom. You are truly Solomon the Wise."

David's Success and Death

David's reign was marked by peace, prosperity, and the love of his people. The Quran also credits him with the ability to make armor and praises his devotion to prayer and fasting. It was a period of great stability, and the Israelites flourished under his wise leadership.

David's rule lasted about forty years. As his death approached, he appointed his wise and able son, Solomon, as his successor. The entire kingdom mourned his death, and he was remembered as a great king and a devout servant of Allah.

Legacy of David

David (AS) left a legacy as a shepherd, a warrior, a king, and a prophet. His life, filled with various trials and tribulations, is a testament to his strong faith, wisdom, and devotion to Allah. He is an excellent example for believers, showcasing how one can maintain righteousness and piety even when faced with great challenges.

David is also recognized for his contributions to religious literature. He is believed to have received the Psalms (Zabur) from Allah, a collection of hymns, prayers, and other religious writings. These served as spiritual nourishment for the Children of Israel and continue to inspire many today.





Prophet Dawood (AS) or David in English, is a prophet known for his devotion, righteousness, beautiful voice, and wisdom. Several remarkable events and miracles are associated with his life, as mentioned in the Quran and Islamic tradition.

1. Defeating Goliath:

One of the most famous stories involving Dawood (AS) is his battle against Goliath (Jalut). Armed with only a sling, Dawood (AS) defeated the giant Goliath, a feat made possible by Allah's will, demonstrating that faith and reliance on Allah can overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.

2. Melodious Voice:

Dawood (AS) was blessed with a beautiful and melodious voice. When he recited the Psalms (Zabur), mountains and birds would join him in praise of Allah. This is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Sad (38:18-19) and Surah Anbiya (21:79).

3. Wisdom and Judgment:

Dawood (AS) was endowed with great wisdom and was known for his fair judgments. Allah had given him the ability to make sound decisions, and his judgments were considered a benchmark. An example is the story mentioned in the Quran in Surah Sad (38:21-24), where he was able to judge wisely between two disputants.

4. Ability to Mold Iron:

Allah granted Dawood (AS) the ability to mold iron without the need for intense heat. This miracle is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Saba (34:10-11), and it enabled him to make armor and contributed to advancements in metallurgy.

5. Gift of the Psalms (Zabur):

Dawood (AS) was given the Psalms (Zabur) by Allah, which contained guidance and wisdom. The Zabur is one of the divine scriptures revealed by Allah and is known for its beautiful poetry and profound wisdom.

6. Repentance and Forgiveness:

Dawood (AS) is also highlighted in the Quran as a symbol of repentance and divine forgiveness. When he realized his mistakes, he would turn to Allah in sincere repentance, and Allah, in turn, would forgive him (Surah Sad 38:24-25).

These miracles and events from the life of Prophet Dawood (AS) serve as inspirational lessons on faith, reliance on Allah, the pursuit of knowledge, and the importance of repentance and seeking forgiveness.


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