Muslim Soul The heart of Islam

Story of Prophet Shammil (Samuel) AS


Story of Prophet Shammil (Samuel) AS


A general summary of the story of Prophet Samuel from both the Islamic and Biblical perspectives. However, it's worth noting that there isn't a lot of detail about Prophet Samuel (Shammil) in Islamic tradition. He is mentioned in the Quran but not by name. Islamic scholars have generally agreed that he is the unnamed prophet who appointed Saul (Talut) king of Israel. The Bible, on the other hand, contains a more detailed account of Samuel's life. Here's a summary of his story:

Birth and Early Life

Samuel is a significant figure in both the Bible and Islamic tradition. He was born to Hannah (Hannah in Islamic tradition), who was previously barren but received a child through the mercy of God. In the Biblical account, Samuel was dedicated to the service of God by his mother and brought to the temple at a young age, where he was raised by the priest Eli.

In the Quran, his birth isn't mentioned directly. However, scholars point to Surah Al-Imran (3:39), where a woman (presumed to be Hannah) dedicates the child in her womb to the service of the holy sanctuary.

Prophethood and Leadership

Samuel is renowned in the Bible for his role as a prophet, judge, and leader of the Israelites during a time of significant change. God began speaking to Samuel at a young age, and he became recognized as a prophet of God throughout Israel.

In Islamic tradition, it's understood that a prophet, often identified as Samuel, was sent to the Israelites after they asked Allah for a king to lead them against their enemies. In Surah Al-Baqarah (2:246-251), Allah granted their request by appointing Saul (Talut) as king.

The Appointment of Saul (Talut)

Samuel's primary narrative in the Quran involves the selection of Saul (Talut) as king of the Israelites. The Israelites initially doubted Saul's appointment due to his lack of wealth and high status. However, the unnamed prophet (identified by scholars as Samuel) assured them of Saul's physical strength and wisdom. Saul's right to kingship was further confirmed when he produced the Ark of the Covenant, a sign of divine favor.

In the Biblical account, Samuel also selected Saul as king. However, Samuel was initially hesitant about the people's desire for a king, warning them of the potential pitfalls of the monarchy. Eventually, God told Samuel to heed the people's request, and Samuel anointed Saul as the first king of Israel.

Later Life and Death

Samuel continued his prophetic duties during Saul's reign, acting as a spiritual guide and upholding the law of God. When Saul disobeyed God's commands, Samuel delivered the divine message that Saul's kingdom would not last.

The Bible further details that Samuel played a role in the anointment of David as the future king of Israel after Saul. Samuel's death is recorded in the Bible (1 Samuel 25:1), where all Israel mourn him.

In Islamic tradition, the details of Samuel's later life and death are not specified in the Quran or Hadith. He is respected as a prophet who played a significant role in the history of the Israelites.

Samuel's life demonstrates obedience to God's will, humble leadership, and the importance of spiritual integrity over worldly status in both traditions.





Prophet Shammil (AS), known as Samuel in the Bible, is not explicitly mentioned in the Quran, but he is recognized in Islamic tradition and is believed to have been a prophet and a seer. Islamic sources and the Bible narrate some remarkable events and miracles associated with his life.

Answered Prayers for Birth:

The birth of Prophet Shammil (AS) itself is considered miraculous. His mother, Hannah, was barren and prayed fervently to Allah for a child, promising to dedicate him to His service. Allah answered her prayers, and she gave birth to Shammil, who was dedicated to the service of God from a young age.

Divine Communication:

Prophet Shammil (AS) was known for his ability to receive divine revelations. He had a close relationship with Allah and was chosen as a vessel to convey His messages to the people. This divine communication is considered one of the significant signs of his prophethood.

Anointing Kings:

One of the key roles of Prophet Shammil (AS) was to anoint the first kings of the Israelites. By Allah’s guidance, he anointed Saul (Talut) and later David (Dawood AS) as kings. This was a pivotal moment in the history of the Children of Israel, as it marked the establishment of the kingdom and political authority.

Victory in Battle:

Under the king's leadership, anointed by Prophet Shammil (AS), the Israelites were granted victory in battles against their enemies. His prayers and guidance played a crucial role in the divine help and success that the Children of Israel received.

Guidance and Teaching:

Prophet Shammil (AS) was a spiritual leader and guide for the Children of Israel. He called them to worship Allah alone and encouraged them to follow His commandments. His teachings and warnings aimed to guide the people to righteousness and holiness.

While detailed accounts of Prophet Shammil (AS) are not found in the Quran, the combined narratives from Islamic tradition and the Bible provide insights into his life and the remarkable events associated with his prophethood. His dedication to the service of Allah and his role in guiding the Israelites are aspects of his legacy in Islam and other Abrahamic faiths.


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